Material: AISI 4140 Aircraft Quality
Finish: Black Oxide (Except Washer)
Safety Factor: 5:1
100% Magnetic particle inspection performed on all bolts (All other load bearing components are inspected based upon
ASTM E709-08 & MIL-STD-105 with zero permissible defects)
Working Action: 360º Swivel, 180º Pivot
200% Proof-Load test on all hoist rings.
Bolt Replacement Kits Available Upon Request

Click Here for Custom Swivel Hoist Rings
Unit of Measure


Rated Capacity Kg

N/A 1,900

Rated Capacity

N/A 4,189

Dia. & Thread
** See Note

N/A M16 x 2.0


N/A 123.0

Dimension C

N/A 29.0

Dimension D

N/A 38.1

Dimension E

N/A 22.4

Dimension G

N/A 89.4

Dimension H

N/A 56.5


N/A 80


N/A 1.10


N/A Metric Thread for all Sizes is a 4g Thread Fit on the Minor Diameter and a 6g Thread Fit on the Major Diameter
Material: AISI 4140 Alloy
Finish: Black Oxide (Except Washer)
Safety Factor: 5:1
100% Magnetic particle inspection performed on all bolts (All other load bearing components are inspected based upon ASTM E709-08 & MIL-STD-105 with zero permissible defects)
Working Action: 360° Swivel, 180° Pivot
200% Proof-Load Test on All Hoist Rings.
Bolt Replacement Kits Available Upon Request